Let's imagine you are boiling water on 3 separate container.
In the first container, you put in few carrots. In the second container, you put in few eggs. And in the third container, you put coffee powder.
Heat up all 3 containers for 15 minutes and then take out all 3 items for the containers. Carrot that was hard now is soften; Egg that was soft inside now is harden; And Cofee powder is now gone, but, the color of the water has changed and it has a nice smell of coffee.
Now let's think about our work. Work is not always easy, it's not always comfortable, sometimes work can even be very hard and demanding. Our situations do not always turn out to be what we wanted. People treated us not the way we hoped. We worked hard, but didn't get the optimal result. What happened when we face difficulties?
Let's think back on the 3 containers. Boiling water is like problems in our work.
We can be like carrot, we start a work strong and firm but we have to come out soft and helpless. We becoming very tired and lose hope, we quit. Lost our self confidence. DON'T BE LIKE CARROT!!!
We can be like egg, we start work with a mild and sensitive heart but we end up very egoistic and indifference. We hate other people, we hate ourselves. There's no more warmth in our life. DON'T BE LIKE EGG!!!
We can be like coffee powder. Water didn't change the coffee powder, but it's the coffee powder that changed the water. The water changed because of coffee powder. See, smell, and drink it. The hotter the water, the better the taste of the coffee. We can be like coffee powder. We try to make something good out of the challenges that we face. We learn new things. We gain new knowledge, wisdom and new skills. We grow with experiences. We made our world around us be a better place. In order to be successful, we have to try...try...and try again. We must believe in what we do. We should not give up, we have to be patient. We must always keep our spirit high. Problems and difficulties give us an opportunity to be a stronger and better person. We can decide to be carrot, egg, or coffee powder.
"We are exactly where we have chosen to be"
-Vernon Howard-
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